Leave the kids at home and learn from the experts!

Stony Kill Foundation is thrilled to expand our offerings with the Adult Education Series! Starting in November of 2024, we will be offering monthly lessons, lectures, and workshops to provide access to a high level agricultural education for interested adults, ages 17 and up. The Foundation is teaming up with local experts in a wide variety of natural and agricultural topics to offer education suitable for all skill levels.

Sound interesting? Check out what we have scheduled below:

Maple Sugaring: From Sap to Syrup: Saturday, February 8th, 9am to 11pm

Start breakfast in the backyard! Dive into maple tapping with the basics of sustainable syrup production with Stony Kill Farm’s resident maple trees. Stony Kill staff members Theresa and Sinead will walk through the A-Z of tree-conscious maple tapping practices and start you on the journey of tapping on your own. Learn basic tree ID, tapping practices, and taste the difference!

Registration is $35 per person.

Please review our cancellation policy prior to registration.

Programs occur monthly and are announced regularly!

Check back soon, follow us on social media, or sign up for our E-Newsletter to be the first to know as programs are scheduled.

Questions, comments, or program recommendations? Contact our Program Director, Sinead at sinead@stonykill.org.