The Verplanck Memorial Perennial Garden at Stony Kill Farm originated in 1997, when the descendants of Elizabeth, Suzanne, and Wilhelmina Andrews, who were sisters, provided funds for the creation of the Garden, on the lawn across from the entrance to the Manor House. The Andrews sisters spent their childhood years living in the Manor House in the early 1900s in the care of their uncle and aunt, John Bayard Rodgers Verplanck, and his wife, Susan VanWyck Andrews Verplanck.
The plantings in the Garden were chosen to attract butterflies and birds. Bees and other insects can also be seen enjoying the lovely scented flowers. Each spring, bluebirds and wrens move into the nest boxes within the Garden borders. The Garden is a place to enjoy the wonder and miracles of our natural world, as well as being a constant source of inspiration and education.
If you are interested in volunteering to help take care of the gardens at Stony Kill, please visit our Volunteer page and fill out an application.