The Greenhouse at Stony Kill Farm was built with the intention of using it as an education tool. Each year, students from the New York City school system visit Stony Kill Farm to learn about where their water and food come from by participating in a program called Operation Explore. Learning about the life cycle of a plant is a module that takes place in the Greenhouse. The students have the opportunity to touch and, in some instances, taste what is being grown in the Greenhouse.
The Greenhouse is usually open on Saturdays from 11 am to 1 pm. Stop in and meet our greenhouse volunteers and check out our variety of affordable houseplants for sale. We have a selection of succulents, hanging plants, and various flowering plants.
Each spring, Stony Kill sponsors the Spring Plant Sale. Orders are taken for a variety of vegetables and herbs grown organically in the Greenhouse over the winter. Check back for ordering information in March. Plant sale pick up is in May.
A volunteer group, working as a committee (the Greenhouse Committee) of the Stony Kill Foundation, Inc., works at their leisure in the Greenhouse year-round. These volunteers are very busy planting, watering, weeding, pinching, and cutting. Stop by on a Saturday (or when you see the OPEN flag outside) and say hello to our team!