Joining the Stony Kill Foundation as a Member is a great way to support and further the mission of the Foundation. As a Member you become part of the committed and caring group of supporters who help sustain Stony Kill Farm for all to enjoy. If cost is a barrier to joining Stony Kill Foundation, let us know and we will discuss other pathways to membership.

Supporting Member Levels
Individual: $30
Individual Student: $20
Individual Senior 62+: $20
Family: $50
Patron: $150

Members are recognized in the Stony Kill Foundation Annual Report and receive the following benefits for your meaningful support of Stony Kill Foundation:


  1. A copy of the Stony Kill Almanac
  2. 10% discount on Stony Kill Foundation sales including annual plant sale, birdseed sale, pancake breakfast and more
  3. Exclusive invitation to the first Open Barn day of the season
  4. Invitation to our annual Stony Kill Foundation Member Celebration


  1. All Individual level benefits for 2 adults at the same address, plus
  2. Admission for members’ children for first Open Barn weekend and to our annual Stony Kill Foundation Member Celebration
  3. $25 discount to SKF Summer Camp (one-time use)


  1. All Family level benefits, plus
  2. Discounts on registration fees for adult education classes (materials fee may apply for certain workshops)
  3. 1 Stony Kill swag piece

To pay by check, complete the form at the link above and mail your check to Stony Kill Foundation, 79 Farmstead Lane, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590